2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Transit Ridership Incentive Program (language only)

Item 430 #2c

Item 430 #2c

Secretary of Transportation


Page 425, after line 48, insert:

"L. The Department of Rail and Public Transit shall establish within the Transit Ridership Incentive Program, established pursuant to House Bill 1414 and Senate Bill 890 of the 2020 General Assembly, a Congestion Mitigation Program that will use at least $5,000,000 annually for operating cost assistance to reduce congestion in urban areas. The funds from this program will be allocated to transit systems in amounts that collectively achieve maximum congestion mitigation and passenger miles traveled. The Secretary shall provide to the Chairs of House Appropriations, Senate Finance and Appropriations, House Transportation and Senate Transportation Committees the methodology used and the distributions of such funds to transit systems by June 30, 2021.”


(This amendment directs the Secretary of Transportation to ensure that at least $5.0 million from the nongeneral fund of the annual allocation to the Transit Ridership Incentive Program, established in House Bill 1414 and Senate Bill 890 of the 2020 General Assembly, is used to provide operating assistance to transit programs that reduce congestion in urban areas. The Secretary is directed to report on the methodology that will be implemented by June 30, 2021.)