2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Modify Rate Setting Study, Cap and Process for Private Day Programs

Item 293 #1c

Item 293 #1c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Health and Human Resources
Children's Services Act FY2021 $75,000 FY2022 ($75,000) GF

Page 278, line 45, strike "$2,184,796" and insert "$2,259,796".
Page 278, line 45, strike "$2,084,796" and insert "$2,009,796".

Page 278, line 51, strike "$175,000" and insert "$250,000".

Page 278, line 51, strike "and $75,000 the second year".

Page 279, line 3, after "Education." insert:

"Any remaining balance in the appropriation for the rate study that remains unexpended on June 30, 2021, shall be reappropriated in the next fiscal year for this purpose."

Page 279, after line, 19, insert:

"4. In addition, the study shall, at a minimum: (i) provide definitions and clear delineation between all staff and positions used by private day schools and assessed in the study; (ii) define which staff positions can be included in the classroom staff ratio assessment; (iii) assess all costs associated with regulatory licensing; and (iv) require providers to report costs and distinguish between different locations.

5.  The Office of Children's Services shall implement statewide rates for private day special education services based on the study in this paragraph, effective on July 1, 2021."


(This amendment adds additional evaluation requirements to the rate study for special education private day programs and moves all the funding to the first year. In addition it directs the Office of Children's Services to implement statewide rate setting on July, 1 2021, and as such remove the two percent rate cap for that year in a companion amendment.)