2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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COPY 17 - So. Va. Higher Education Center - Personnel and Technical Training Equipment

Item 258 #3c

Item 258 #3c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Education: Higher Education
Roanoke Higher Education Authority FY2021 $98,817 FY2022 $47,944 GF

Page 243, line 24, strike "$1,478,720" and insert "$1,577,537".
Page 243, line 24, strike "$1,478,720" and insert "$1,526,664".


(This amendment provides one-time funding of $50,873 for equipment and installation of blue light telephones, and a security camera system. Additionally, this budget amendment provides on-going funding of $47,944 for additional hours of coverage from security officers.)