2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Adjust Funding for Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund

Item 114 #1c

Item 114 #1c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2021 $0 FY2022 ($4,450,000) GF

Page 97, line 48, strike "$116,738,362" and insert "$112,288,362".

Page 100, line 31, strike the second "$34,450,000" and insert "$30,000,000".

Page 100, line 43, strike the second $15,300,000" and insert "$10,850,000".


(This amendment reduces funding for the Virginia Growth and Opportunity Fund by $4.5 million from the general fund the second year.)