2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Joint Subcommittee for Early Childhood Care and Education (language only)

Item 1 #4c

Item 1 #4c

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 10, strike lines 10 through 35 and insert:

"Q.1. The Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees shall each appoint up to five members from their respective committees to a Joint Subcommittee for Early Childhood Care and Education to provide ongoing oversight of the implementation of Virginia's unified public-private system for early childhood care and education.  The members of the Joint Subcommittee shall elect a chairman and vice chairman annually.

The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee shall be to (i) review the cost-effectiveness of federal and state funding used to improve Virginia's early childhood care and education system, (ii) ensure that the transition of child care regulation from the Board of Social Services to the Board of Education occurs seamlessly without impacting health and safety oversight functions, (iii) ensure that the transition of functions from the Department of Social Services to the Department of Education occurs seamlessly without the interruption of the provision of state services or undue impact on the operation of either agency, (iv) review the implementation of the Board of Education's Quality Rating Implementation System, (v) review workforce needs for Virginia's early childhood education system, (vi) further facilitate partnerships between school divisions and private providers for the Virginia Preschool Initiative,  (vii) consider recommendations and options included in the 2017 JLARC report on Improving Virginia's Early Childhood Development Programs, and (viii) consider funding methodology changes to transition the Virginia Preschool Initiative funding model to maximize the number of children served, while recognizing prevailing costs.

2. The staff of the Elementary and Secondary Education subcommittees for the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees and the Department of Education will help with facilitating the scope of work to be completed by the Joint Subcommittee. The Virginia Early Childhood Foundation will provide support and resources to the members and staff of the Joint Subcommittee. Other stakeholders, such as those from the Virginia Department of Social Services, the Virginia Community College System, local school divisions, private and faith-based child day-care providers, accredited organizations, education associations and businesses may provide additional information if requested. A report of any findings and recommendations shall be submitted to the Chairs of House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees."


(This amendment renames the Joint Subcommittee for the Virginia Preschool Initiative to the Joint Subcommittee for Early Childhood Care and Education. The renamed subcommittee would oversee the implementation of reforms to Virginia's early childhood education and child care licensure system and consider further changes throughout the implementation process.)