2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Increase Deposit to the Wine Promotion Fund

Item 97 #1s

Item 97 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services FY2021 $444,321 FY2022 $444,321 GF

Page 85, line 29, strike "$22,050,922" and insert "$22,495,243".
Page 85, line 29, strike "$22,092,585" and insert "$22,536,906".

Page 85, line 36, strike "$7,272,047" and "$7,272,047 and insert:

"$7,716,368" and "$7,716,368".

Page 86, line 27, strike "$2,337,924" and "$2,337,924" and insert:

"$2,782,245"and  "$2,782,245".


(This amendment provides additional appropriation for deposit to the Wine Promotion Fund based on updated cider liter tax collections attributable to the sale of Virginia cider. Collections attributable to Virginia wine and cider are required to be deposited to the Wine Promotion Fund pursuant to § 4.1-235, Code of Virginia.)