2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Rate Refresh for DD Waivers

Item 313 #9s

Item 313 #9s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2021 $23,200,000 FY2022 $23,900,000 GF
FY2021 $23,200,000 FY2022 $23,900,000 NGF

Page 294, line 18, strike "$15,939,731,997" and insert "$15,986,131,997".
Page 294, line 18, strike "$17,038,007,934" and insert "$17,085,807,934".

Page 320, line 46, after "following", insert "the".

Page 320, line 47, after "waivers" strike the remainder of the line and insert "."

Page 320, strike lines 48 through 51.

Page 320, line 52, after "additional", strike "$3,639,663" and insert "$26,839,663".

Page 320, line 52, after "the first year and", strike "$3,748,853" and insert "$27,548,853".

Page 320, line 53, after "general fund and", strike "$3,639,663" and insert "$26,839,663".

Page 320, line 53, after "the first year and", strike "$3,748,853" and insert "$27,548,853".


(This amendment increases the rates paid for Residential, Employment and Day, and Medical and Behavioral Support Services in all three Developmental Disability (DD) waivers to allow providers to implement and comply with the federal funding requirements for Home and Community-Based Services, the U.S. Department of Justice settlement agreement, and to grow capacity as indicated by funding for 1,135 DD waiver slots included in the introduced budget. This amendment increases funding to reflect the Rate Refresh Proposal (Option #2) developed at the request of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.)