2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Carroll Foy
State Wage Survey Program; Planning

Item 120 #7h

Item 120 #7h

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Commerce and Trade
Department of Labor and Industry FY2021 $100,000 FY2022 $0 GF
FY2021 2.00 FY2022 0.00 FTE

Page 102, line 36, strike "$1,176,461" and insert "$1,276,461".

Page 102, after line 38, insert:

"1.The Commissioner of Labor and Industry shall prepare a plan for implementing a state wage survey program as of January 1, 2023. The Commissioner shall present such plan to the Chair of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee and the Chair of the House Labor and Commerce Committee by October 1, 2021. The plan shall include a recommendation from the Commissioner for geographic regions for wage surveys that may group multiple counties and independent cities into a single region so long as the act of grouping more than one county or independent city together does not result in a lower prevailing wage in any jurisdiction that would be established if the jurisdiction were identified as separate localities.

In preparing the plan to determine the prevailing wage for a locality at a region the Commissioner shall consider the following:

i. Information obtained from Federal agencies charged with the administration of labor standards provisions of Federal acts applicable to contracts covering contractors and subcontractors on public building and public work and on building and work financed in whole or in part by loans and grants of the United States, within the locality; ii. The wage rates and employee benefits established by collective bargaining agreements; iii. The number of skilled, competent and experienced workmen within the locality who are generally available for employment on public work; and iv. Statements signed and certified by contractors and subcontractors and union representatives showing wage rates paid on projects, within the locality. These statements to be relevant to a wage determination shall indicate the names and addresses of the contractors, including the subcontractors, the locations approximate cost, dates of construction and type of projects, the number of workmen employed and the number of man hours worked in each craft or classification on each project and the respective wage rates paid the workmen, which wage rates shall consist only of rates paid for services performed solely within the classification for which it is submitted."


(This amendment provides $100,000 in the first year from the general fund and two positions for the Department of Labor and Industry to prepare a plan for implementing a state wage survey program.)