2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Reeves
SB 533: Pari-mutuel Wagering (language only)

Item 110 #1s

Item 110 #1s

Agriculture and Forestry
Virginia Racing Commission


Page 92, line 11, strike "D." and insert "D.1."

Page 92, following line 12, insert:

"2. The Commission shall transfer eighty percent of the legitimate breakage from each from each pari-mutuel pool for live, historical, and simulcast horse racing to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services for deposit to the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund and twenty percent to the Racing Benevolence Fund consistent with the provisions of SB 533 of the 2020 General Assembly."


(This amendment alters the required distribution of the legitimate breakage from each pari-mutuel pool for live,historical, and simulcast horse racing by requiring that 80 percent be deposited in the Problem Gambling Treatment and Support Fund, created by SB 533 of the 2020 General Assembly, and 20 percent be deposited in the Racing Benevolence Fund for gambling addiction and substance abuse counseling or recreational, educational, nutritional, or other related programs.)