2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Transfer Drug Court Pilot Programs Funding to DBHDS

Item 39 #3s

Item 39 #3s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Judicial Department
Supreme Court FY2021 ($150,000) FY2022 ($150,000) GF

Page 30, line 1, strike "$34,457,750" and insert "$34,307,750".
Page 30, line 1, strike "$34,457,750" and insert "$34,307,750".

Page 31, strike lines 10 through 23 and 29 through 36.


(This amendment eliminates language and $150,000 GF each year related to drug court pilot programs in Henrico, Norfolk, and Bristol. A separate amendment in Item 311 appropriates $150,000 GF each year to establish oversight of injectible drug treatment regimens.)