2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Move Substance Use Disorder Funding for Drug Courts

Item 320 #6s

Item 320 #6s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Health and Human Resources
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services FY2021 $150,000 FY2022 $150,000 GF

Page 330, line 4, strike "$125,033,700" and insert "$125,183,700".
Page 330, line 4, strike "$112,643,261" and insert "$112,793,261".

Page 334, after line 22, insert:

"AA. Included in this item is $150,000 the first year and $150,000 the second year from the general fund to support substance use disorder treatment utilizing non-narcotic, long-acting, injectable prescription drug treatment regimens used in conjunction with drug treatment court programs. Such treatment may be utilized in approved drug treatment court programs. In allocating such funding, the department shall consider the rate of fatalities within the locality, whether a drug treatment court program is available and whether such program utilizes medication-assisted treatment. The drug treatment court programs utilizing this funding shall use these resources to support provider fees, counseling and patient monitoring for participants, and medication to participants in which the costs of treatment services would not otherwise be covered. The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall submit a report to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees no later than December 1 of each year for the preceding fiscal year that provides information on the number of participants, the number of drug courts that utilized the funding and the number of treatments administered. Any adult drug treatment court that accesses this funding shall provide all necessary information to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to prepare this report."


(This amendment transfers $150,000 each year from the general fund from the appropriation of the Supreme Court that supports substance use disorder treatment utilizing non-narcotic, long-acting, injectable prescription drug treatment regimens used in conjunction with drug treatment court programs.)