2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Partnership with CHKD (language only)

Item 320 #10s

Item 320 #10s

Health and Human Resources
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services


Page 334, after line 22, insert:

"AA.  The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is authorized to collaborate with the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters (CHKD) to develop a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for dedicating a portion of the future beds of a 60 bed mental health hospital at CHKD for use in providing treatment services to children or adolescents that may otherwise be sent to the Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents (CCCA).   The MOU should detail the priority populations that would be best served at CHKD and that assists the Commonwealth in reducing census pressure on CCCA.  As part of the MOU the department and CHKD shall develop an estimated financial contribution for the potential benefit of such an arrangement to the Commonwealth.  The department shall report on the details of the MOU to the Governor and the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees by November 1, 2020."


(This amendment directs the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to collaborate with the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters (CHKD) to develop a memorandum of understanding for dedicating a portion of the future beds of a 60 bed mental health hospital at CHKD for use in providing treatment services to children or adolescents that may otherwise be sent to the Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents.)