2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Direct Aid - Adjust Lottery Proceeds Forecast

Item 145 #8s

Item 145 #8s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2021 ($12,674,481) FY2022 ($6,512,917) GF
FY2021 $40,174,479 FY2022 $34,012,919 NGF

Page 134, line 6, strike "$7,764,498,080" and insert "$7,791,998,078".
Page 134, line 6, strike "$8,046,840,548" and insert "$8,074,340,550".

Page 134, line 13, strike "$616,156,022", and insert "$656,330,051".

Page 134, line 13, strike "$622,317,582", and insert "$656,330,051".

Page 135, line 4, strike "$149,552,543", and insert "$136,878,062".

Page 135, line 4, strike "$147,350,993", and insert "$140,838,076 ".

Page 135, line 38, strike "$59,080,836", and insert "$71,755,317".

Page 135, line 38, strike "$80,985,963", and insert "$87,498,880".

Page 136, line 9, strike "$616,156,022", and insert "$656,330,051".

Page 136, line 9, strike "$622,317,582", and insert "$656,330,051".

Page 148, line 17, strike "$149,552,543", and insert "$136,878,062".

Page 148, line 17, strike "$147,350,993", and insert "$140,838,076".

Page 148, line 18, strike "$50,080,836", and insert "$71,755,317".

Page 148, line 18, strike "$80,985,963", and insert "$87,498,880".


(This amendment increases the Lottery Proceeds forecast to $656.3 million the first year and $656.3 million the second year contingent with the passage of Senate Bill 971 banning grey machines and Senate Bill 922 repealing the prohibition of online lottery ticket sales. This amendment also reflects a general fund offset of $12.7 million the first year and $6.5 million the second year included in the introduced budget to backfill the estimated decline in the Lottery Proceeds forecast.)