2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Direct Aid - VPI Language (language only)

Item 145 #6s

Item 145 #6s

Direct Aid to Public Education


Page 156, line 15, after "outlay", insert: ", not be used to supplant any Head Start federal funds provided for local early education programs, and not be used until the local Head Start grantee certifies that all local Head Start slots are filled.".

Page 156, line 40, after "slots", insert: "including certifying that all local Head Start slots are filled,".

Page 157, line 21, after "maximized", insert: "including demonstrating compliance with Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act to ensure that a Local Educational Agency receiving Title I funding coordinates with Head Start programs and other early learning programs receiving federal funds by developing Memorandums of Understanding with such agencies to coordinate services.".


(This amendment modifies language to ensure localities maximize Head Start slots before accessing additional state funding for VPI slots.)