2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Central Capital - VPBA Capital Pool Adjustments

Item C-67 #1c

Item C-67 #1c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay FY2021 $9,548,502 FY2022 $0 NGF

Page 500, line 46, strike "$310,258,070" and insert "$319,806,572".

Page 501, line 1, strike "$218,808,753" and insert "$228,357,255".

Page 501, line 44, strike "202   The Library of Virginia" and insert:

"194  Department of General Services".

Page 501, after line 46, insert:

"194  Department of General Services     Provide water infrastructure to state facilities in Nottoway County, Virginia".

Page 501, after line 50, insert:

D.  Funding is included in this item for the Department of General Services to design, renovate, construct, and prepare agreements for facilities to support the potable and fire protection water needs of Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (Phases 1 and 2), and Nottoway Correctional Center (the “Identified Facilities”).  The Department of General Services will first consider improvements to the current water supply system servicing the Identified Facilities.  Improvements to the current water supply system may include facility infrastructure, ownership, and operational changes and improvements.  The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department of Corrections, and the Town of Crewe shall participate with, provide support to, and be responsive to the Department of General Services' activities to satisfy the requirements of this item. Should improvements to the current water supply system be (a) cost prohibitive, (b) inadequate to meet the needs of the Identified Facilities, or (c) otherwise undesirable, all as may be determined by the Department of General Services, the Department of General Services may determine other solutions to meet the necessary water needs of the Identified Facilities."


(This amendment adds a new project for the Department of General Services to provide water infrastructure to state facilities in Nottoway County, Virginia related to improvements for the Town of Crewe water supply and correcting issues that could impact Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation I, Nottoway Correctional, and the new Virginia Center of Behavioral Rehabilitation II. The amendment also changes the responsible agency for a second project to the Department of General Services.)