2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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HB 1541: Central Virginia Transportation Authority

Item 451 #1c

Item 451 #1c

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Department of Transportation FY2021 $132,404,673 FY2022 $146,752,525 NGF

Page 437, line 17, strike "$1,029,300,669" and insert "$1,161,705,342".
Page 437, line 17, strike "$1,036,179,898" and insert "$1,182,932,423".

Page 437,line 47, after "Virginia." insert "Distribution of the Central Virginia Transportation Authority Fund revenues represents direct payments, of the revenue collected and deposited into the Fund, to the Central Virginia Transportation Authority for uses contained in House Bill 1541 as enacted by the 2020 General Assembly."


(This amendment provides $132.4 million from the nongeneral fund in fiscal year 2021 and $146.8 million from the nongeneral fund in fiscal year 2022 pursuant to the passage of House Bill 1541 which creates the Central Virginia Transportation Authority, composed of the counties and cities located in Planning District 15. The Authority will administer transportation funding generated through the imposition of an additional regional 0.7 percent sales and use tax and a 2.1 percent wholesale gas tax. This amendment appropriates the revenues realized from the sales and use tax increase. A companion amendment under DMV transfer payments appropriates the motor fuel sales tax revenue.)