2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Adjust Language to Reflect Provisions of HB 1414 / SB 890 (language only)

Item 443 #2c

Item 443 #2c

Department of Rail and Public Transportation


Page 433, line 14, strike "A.1." and insert "A."

Page 433, strike lines 21 through 27.

Page 433, after line 37, insert:

“D. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 33.2-1526.2 C, the distribution of funds in the Commonwealth Rail Fund shall be:

1. Remaining balances as of June 30, 2020 in the Rail Enhancement Fund pursuant to § 33.2- 1601 and the Intercity Rail Operating and Capital Fund pursuant to § 33.2-1603 shall be transferred to the Commonwealth Rail Fund.

2. In order to facilitate the financing activities of the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority, all cash balances as of July 1, 2020 shall be transferred to the Authority from the Commonwealth Rail Fund.  This transfer shall not be transacted until after an agreement has been fully executed between the Department and the Authority that requires funds to be transferred from the Authority to the Department for the prompt payment of any expenditures on the projects administered by the Department."

Page 433, line 38, strike "D." and insert "E."

Page 433, line 48, after "Roanoke.", strike the remainder of the line.

Page 433, strike lines 49 through 50."


(This amendment adjusts embedded language to reflect the provisions of House Bill 1414 and Senate Bill 890 of the 2020 General Assembly.)