2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Technical to Move Paragraphs to Correct Program (language only)

Item 401 #1c

Item 401 #1c

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Corrections


Page 397, after line 22, insert:

"A. Out of this appropriation, $921,040 the first year and $921,040 the second year from nongeneral funds is included for inmate medical costs. The sources of the nongeneral funds are an award from the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Justice.

B. The Department of Corrections shall continue to coordinate with the Department of Medical Assistance Services and the Department of Social Services to enroll eligible inmates in Medicaid. To the extent possible, the Department of Corrections shall work to identify potentially eligible inmates on a proactive basis, prior to the time inpatient hospitalization occurs. Procedures shall also include provisions for medical providers to bill the Department of Medical Assistance Services, rather than the Department of Corrections, for eligible inmate inpatient medical expenses. Due to the multiple payor sources associated with inpatient and outpatient health care services, the Department of Corrections and the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall consult with the applicable provider community to ensure that administrative burdens are minimized and payment for health care services is rendered in a prompt manner.

C. Included in the appropriation for this item is funding for the first year and the second year from the general fund for six medical contract monitors. The persons filling these positions shall have the responsibility of closely monitoring the adequacy and quality of inmate medical services in those correctional facilities for which the department has contracted with a private vendor to provide inmate medical services."


(This amendment adds three paragraphs related to inmate healthcare from the Operation of Secure Correctional Facilities program. The introduced budget creates a new program for Prison Medical and Clinical Services to account separately for inmate healthcare costs in the Department of Corrections' budget. Three existing paragraphs related to inmate healthcare were not moved over to this new program. There is a companion amendment to Item 400 that removes these paragraphs.)