2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Technical to Move Paragraphs to Correct Program (language only)

Item 400 #2c

Item 400 #2c

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Corrections


Page 396, strike lines 2 through 5.

Page 396, line 6, strike "H." and insert "G."

Page 396, line 35, strike "I." and insert "H."

Page 396, strike lines 43 through 53.

Page 396, line 54, strike "K." and insert "I."

Page 397, strike lines 1 through 5.

Page 397, line 6, strike "M." and insert "J."

Page 397, line 10, strike "N." and insert "K."


(This amendment removes three paragraphs related to inmate healthcare in the Operation of Secure Correctional Facilities program. The introduced budget creates a new program for Prison Medical and Clinical Services to account separately for inmate healthcare costs in the Department of Corrections' budget. Three existing paragraphs related to inmate healthcare were not moved over to this new program. There is a companion amendment to Item 401 that adds these paragraphs to the new program.)