2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Restore MSA Payment Distribution to Medicaid

Item 313 #5s

Item 313 #5s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2021 ($1,734,940) FY2022 ($1,716,867) GF
FY2021 $1,734,940 FY2022 $1,716,867 NGF


Page 295, line 17, strike $467,887,900" and insert "$469,622,840".

Page 295, line 18, strike $480,089,690" and insert "$481,806,557".

Page 295, after line 22, insert:

"3. Notwithstanding § 32.1-366, Code of Virginia, the State Comptroller shall deposit 41.5 percent of the Commonwealth's allocation of the Master Settlement Agreement with tobacco product manufacturers, as defined in § 3.2-3100, Code of Virginia, to the Virginia Health Care Fund."


(This amendment reduces by $1.7 million general fund each year along with a corresponding increase in the Health Care Fund appropriation to restore the allocation of the Master Settlement Agreement with tobacco manufacturers revenue to 41.5 percent. The introduced budget reduced this allocation to 40 percent, resulting in additional general fund to offset the Health Care Fund revenue that is used as state match for the Medicaid program.)