2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Horse Racing in Virginia (language only)

Item 110 #1s

Item 110 #1s

Agriculture and Forestry
Virginia Racing Commission


Page 92, following line 17, insert:

"F.1. The Virginia Racing Commission shall report monthly to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees on the gross gaming revenues generated from traditional horse racing wagering and from historical horse racing (HHR) wagering from any significant infrastructure limited licensee facility and each satellite facility licensee authorized for operation in the Commonwealth.  This monthly reporting shall include the actual dollar amount of the (i) total prize payout; (ii) total contributions to purses for thoroughbred and harness racing; (iii) amount of state and local taxes collected and remitted by jurisdiction; (iv) amount retained by the Virginia Racing Commission; and (v) amount retained by any licensee or operator.

2. Included within the monthly report required in F.1., from the amounts included in clause (v) of F.1., the Commission shall specifically identify the actual dollar amounts allocated pursuant to a Revenue Sharing Agreement dated April 13, 2018, or any amendments thereto, or for an Amended Memorandum of Understanding dated December 4, 2017, or any amendments thereto, for (i) contributions to the Virginia Equine Alliance and other parties collectively referred to in the Revenue Sharing Agreement as the Horsemen; (ii) all HHR gross commission; (iii) any amounts or rebates from Advanced Deposit Wagering to service providers; (iv) deposits to the Virginia Breeders Fund; (v) deposits to the Virginia-Certified Residency Program; and (vi) any allocation of funds for problem gaming.

3. In addition to the reporting requirements in F.1. and F.2., the Commission shall report quarterly to the Chairs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees on the actual number of days of live racing conducted across the Commonwealth for the preceding quarter, including all reporting requirements identified in F.1 and F.2 resulting from each day of live racing pursuant to 11 VAC 10-47-190.

4. Not later than November 1, 2020 the Virginia Racing Commission shall investigate and report on the total amount of money allocated annually from the provisions of F.1. and F.2. to the Virginia Equine Alliance for supporting development of the equine industry in Virginia and any funding that directly or indirectly supports the operations of the Virginia Horse Center or the Virginia Horse Center Foundation.  As part of this report, the Commission shall, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, make a recommendation as to the benefits of involvement of the Commonwealth in the whole or partial operation or management of the Virginia Horse Center Foundation, including the addition of state-appointed members to the Board of Directors of the Foundation.  The Commission may take any steps necessary to accomplish the investigation, including negotiations with the Board of Directors, but shall not expend state funds for the purchase, transfer, or lease of real property unless specifically appropriated for that purpose or approved by the General Assembly.

5. The Virginia Racing Commission shall not authorize any additional satellite facilities as defined in § 59.1-365 of the Code of Virginia, or additional simulcast wagering terminals pursuant to 11 VAC 10-47-180, during a period of five years after the effective date of this act."


(This amendment increases reporting requirements and operational controls on horse racing and historical horse racing licensees in Virginia.)