2017 Session

Budget Amendments - SB900 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Chafin
Co-Patron(s): Carrico
Education Adequacy Study

Item 137 #1s

Item 137 #1s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Department of Education, Central Office Operations FY2017 $0 FY2018 $1,000,000 GF

Page 117, line 16, strike "$20,538,547" and insert "$21,538,547".

Page 118, after line 26, insert:

"I. The Board of Education shall contract for a study to determine the adequacy of resources necessary to provide school divisions, schools, and students with reasonable opportunities to meet state accountability requirements.  The study will 1) identify the funding required to meet the Standards of Learning, Standards of Accreditation, and Standards of Quality; 2) identify a per pupil base level of funding and per pupil weights for students with special needs, including economically disadvantaged students eligible for the federal free and reduced-price lunch program, students with limited English proficiency, and students eligible for special education services, 3) analyze the effects of concentrations of poverty on the adequacy estimates; 4) determine the effect of declining enrollment on the fiscal capacity of school divisions; 5) identify gaps in growth and achievement among student groups and make recommendations for programs that might address these gaps; 6) identify any relationships between student performance and funding gaps; 7) assess the effect of quality prekindergarten on school readiness as a factor in the adequacy estimates; 8) make recommendations on any other factors to be included as part of the adequacy study; 9) conduct a review of adequacy studies carried out in other states and report on best practices and recommendations; and 10) make recommendations on implementation of the report's recommendations.  A preliminary report outlining the parameters of the study shall be presented to the Board and the House Appropriations Committee, the House Education Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, and the Senate Education and Health Committee by December 15, 2018 with a final report due by November 15, 2019."


(This amendment provides funding for the Board of Education to contract for a study to determine the adequacy of resources necessary to provide school divisions, schools, and students with reasonable opportunities to meet state accountability requirements.)