Language Page 510, after line 15, insert:"A. Pursuant to projects authorized and funded in paragraph E.1 of Item C-39.40 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly of 2014, operations of the Virginia General Assembly will temporarily move and operate from the Pocahontas Building bounded by the following streets 9th to the west, 10th to the east, Bank to the north, and Main to the south in the City of Richmond. This temporary move will result in the Commonwealth's legislative activities to be concentrated in an area requiring traffic and pedestrian operational safety and security enhancements. As such, and pursuant to the responsibilities of the Department of General Services (DGS) (§ 2.2-1129) and the Division of Capitol Police (DCP) (§ 30-34.2:1), Bank Street from 9th to 12th Street in the City of Richmond shall be controlled by the DGS and the DCP while the General Assembly is in session and is located in the Pocahontas Building. Vehicular travel limitations and pedestrian management needs on and along Bank Street shall be determined jointly by the DGS and the DCP during that time. These determinations will be based on the recommendations outlined in the Bank Street Safety and Security Assessment prepared by Commonwealth Architects dated February 15, 2017 (the Assessment). Funding for materials and contract services needed to address pedestrian and vehicle management activities are available to DGS from the Chapter referenced in this item.B. The DGS and the DCP will coordinate its Bank Street decisions with the City of Richmond to allow for adequate set-up and removal of temporary traffic control after December 1st each year prior to a General Assembly session and two weeks after a General Assembly session ends. At no time, will DGS or DCP make permanent changes to Bank Street right-of-way (e.g. traffic control devices, security fixtures, street lighting, surface treatments) without the approval of the City of Richmond's Chief Administrative Officer. Additionally, at no time will the City prevent DGS and DCP from implementing the recommendations outlined in the Assessment. Bank Street operations will revert to the City of Richmond upon the General Assembly vacating the Pocahontas Building and has moved to its new building on Broad Street.C. The projects stated in the Chapter referenced above also include new permanent facilities for state government operations. Design precedence for permanent facilities will accommodate the operational needs of state government resources identified to occupy and conduct state business within the funded projects."
Page 510, after line 15, insert:
"A. Pursuant to projects authorized and funded in paragraph E.1 of Item C-39.40 of Chapter 1 of the Acts of Assembly of 2014, operations of the Virginia General Assembly will temporarily move and operate from the Pocahontas Building bounded by the following streets 9th to the west, 10th to the east, Bank to the north, and Main to the south in the City of Richmond. This temporary move will result in the Commonwealth's legislative activities to be concentrated in an area requiring traffic and pedestrian operational safety and security enhancements. As such, and pursuant to the responsibilities of the Department of General Services (DGS) (§ 2.2-1129) and the Division of Capitol Police (DCP) (§ 30-34.2:1), Bank Street from 9th to 12th Street in the City of Richmond shall be controlled by the DGS and the DCP while the General Assembly is in session and is located in the Pocahontas Building. Vehicular travel limitations and pedestrian management needs on and along Bank Street shall be determined jointly by the DGS and the DCP during that time. These determinations will be based on the recommendations outlined in the Bank Street Safety and Security Assessment prepared by Commonwealth Architects dated February 15, 2017 (the Assessment). Funding for materials and contract services needed to address pedestrian and vehicle management activities are available to DGS from the Chapter referenced in this item.
B. The DGS and the DCP will coordinate its Bank Street decisions with the City of Richmond to allow for adequate set-up and removal of temporary traffic control after December 1st each year prior to a General Assembly session and two weeks after a General Assembly session ends. At no time, will DGS or DCP make permanent changes to Bank Street right-of-way (e.g. traffic control devices, security fixtures, street lighting, surface treatments) without the approval of the City of Richmond's Chief Administrative Officer. Additionally, at no time will the City prevent DGS and DCP from implementing the recommendations outlined in the Assessment. Bank Street operations will revert to the City of Richmond upon the General Assembly vacating the Pocahontas Building and has moved to its new building on Broad Street.
C. The projects stated in the Chapter referenced above also include new permanent facilities for state government operations. Design precedence for permanent facilities will accommodate the operational needs of state government resources identified to occupy and conduct state business within the funded projects."
(This amendment addresses safety and security issues resulting from the temporary move of legislative activities to the Pocahontas Building.)