2017 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

CO - Change CCAM/Centers of Excellence Language - Previous Bond Authorization (language only)

Item C-50 #1c

Item C-50 #1c

Central Appropriations
Central Capital Outlay


Page 506, line 38, after "Biennium" insert: "except for paragraph D."

Page 506, after line 38, insert:

"D. Upon certification from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing that one or more federal grants have been awarded or contributions from other non-governmental sources, including but not limited to in-kind donations of land, equipment, software or services, have been received by the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall release all or a portion of  $25 million from this item to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) for the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing to develop an Advanced Manufacturing Apprentice Academy Center to support existing and future Regional Centers of Excellence.  In-kind donations shall not exceed more than 40 percent of the total match that is required."


(The language in this amendment changes previous stipulations related to the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing's ability to use $25.0 million in state bond proceeds related to receiving a matching federal grant for the purpose of the creation of Regional Centers of Excellence. This amendment allows the bond proceeds to be used to support existing and future Regional Centers of Excellence and allows the Virginia Economic Development Partnership to certify the allowance of in-kind contributions instead of a matching federal grant. In-kind donations shall not exceed more than 40 percent of the total required match.)