2017 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Committee Approved)

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ABC - New Warehouse

Item C-31.50 #1h

Item C-31.50 #1h

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control FY2017 $0 FY2018 ($104,770,000) NGF

Page 497, line 22, strike "$104,770,000" and insert "$0".

Page 497, strike lines 23 through 44 and insert:

"A. The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (“ABC”) is hereby authorized to develop a detailed plan to undertake a capital project for the relocation of its current warehouse and administrative offices.

B. The detailed plan will be a comprehensive plan for the relocation of the ABC warehouse and administrative offices.  At a minimum the plan will include real estate development acquisition approaches to achieve operationally ready “turn-key” cost effective and efficient solutions to satisfy ABC's operational and business needs.  Solutions may include, but not be limited to, new facilities, acquiring existing facilities through lease or purchase, or a combination of construction and acquisition of existing facilities.

C. The plan will address options for leveraging state-owned surplus real property, existing underutilized state real property, and state real property that may become surplus as a result of ABC's relocation from its current warehouse and administrative office location.  The plan will also address alternative financing options.

D. Detailed planning for the relocation and capital oversight of any resulting projects shall proceed pursuant to § 2.2-1515 through § 2.2-1520.

E. ABC, will obtain assistance from the Department of General Services staff and contract resources if necessary to develop the real property acquisition and real property state surplus reuse and disposal analysis of the plan required in paragraph B of this section.

F. ABC will be responsible for the preparation and delivery of the detailed plan no later than December 1, 2017 to the Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee (§ 2.2-1516)."


(This amendment provides for the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to begin planning for the relocation of its current warehouse and administrative offices.)