2017 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1500 (Committee Approved)

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Language Pertaining to New Agency Head Salary (language only)

Item 4-6.01 #1h

Item 4-6.01 #1h

Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures
Employee Compensation


Page 564, line 33, after "range" insert:

"except if the new hire was employed in a state classified position, then the Governor may exceed the maximum salary for the position and set the salary for the employee at a salary level not to exceed the employee's salary at their prior state position."


(This amendment clarifies that an individual promoted from a state classified position to an agency head position will not automatically be subject to a pay reduction if their prior position salary exceeds the maximum salary range for the agency head position. For example, if a physician is promoted to agency head, his or her salary can be maintained at the previous level.)