2016 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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Planning for Juvenile Facilities (language only)

Item 415 #1s

Item 415 #1s

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Juvenile Justice


Page 349, strike lines 49-52 and insert:

"The Director, Department of Juvenile Justice, (the "Department") shall develop a transformation plan to provide more effective and efficient services for juveniles, using data-based decision-making, that is designed to improve outcomes, including reduced recidivism, and to reduce the number of juveniles housed in state-operated juvenile correctional centers, consistent with public safety.  Prior to implementation, the plan shall be approved by the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security.  A progress report assessing the impact and results of the plan and related actions shall be provided to the Secretaries of Public Safety and Homeland Security and Health and Human Resources, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, the Chairman of the Virginia Commission on Youth, and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by October 1 of each year.  The annual progress report shall include, but is not limited to, assessing juvenile offender recidivism rates, changes in commitment rates and orders by the court, the fiscal and operational impact on local juvenile programs, including regional and local detention facilities, group homes and private placements, and the mental health and other treatment requirements of the state- and local-responsible juvenile offender population.  The report shall also identify the use of any savings redirected as a result of the transformation, including amounts expended for placements in local and regional detention facilities, private placements, and treatment services, including the numbers of juveniles receiving each specific service.  The report should also include the average length of stay for juveniles in each placement option.

2.  To".

Page 350, line 2, strike "2" and insert "3".

Page 350, strike lines 13-22.

Page 350, after line 25, insert:

"5.  The  Departments of Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, shall convene an inter-agency task force to chart a future course for the Commonwealth in the provision of appropriate services for youth before the juvenile court who have committed serious offenses and who also present serious mental health and other complex treatment challenges.  The task force shall develop a concept for the future provision of secure facilities for state-responsible juvenile offenders at the Chesterfield County campus, in coordination with plans for the future provision of adolescent behavioral health services in state behavioral health facilities and in the community.  The task force shall address future capital requirements, including the renovation, redesign or replacement of existing facilities at the Chesterfield County campus and at state behavioral health facilities, which may be necessary to incorporate improved treatment for juvenile offenders who also have serious and complex mental health and other treatment needs.  The task force shall also consider the need for appropriate alternatives for less serious offenders, the future role of state behavioral health facilities in providing adolescent treatment services, and the roles that the juvenile court services units, community services boards, and the private sector should play in juvenile corrections and mental health.  The task force shall present an interim report by November 1, 2016, and a final report by July 15, 2017, to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Virginia Commission on Youth and the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees.".


(This amendment clarifies proposed language authorizing the transformation of Virginia's state juvenile correctional centers and the reallocation of the resulting savings into alternative placements for juvenile offenders. The language also creates an inter-agency task force to consider future needs for secure facilities at the Chesterfield County campus for serious juvenile offenders who have complex mental health and other treatment needs, in coordination with the future role of state mental health facilities for adolescents. Senate Bill 731 authorizes planning for a new facility in the City of Chesapeake to replace current state-operated beds and to replace the existing juvenile detention center for the City of Chesapeake.)