2016 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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Add 400 Developmental Disbability Waivers

Item 306 #9s

Item 306 #9s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services FY2017 $3,142,400 FY2018 $3,142,400 GF
FY2017 $3,142,400 FY2018 $3,142,400 NGF

Page 250, line 34, strike "$9,740,405,698" and insert "$9,746,690,498".
Page 250, line 34, strike "$11,552,255,000" and insert "$11,558,539,800".

Page 272, line 38, after "EEEE." insert "1.".

Page 272, after line 42, insert:

"2.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Support (DD) waiver to add 400 new reserve waiver slots effective July 1, 2016.  Out of these slots, 350 shall be provided to individuals on the DD waiting list who are receiving services through the Elderly and Disabled with Consumer Direction waiver.  The remaining 50 waiver slots shall be used as reserve slots for emergencies, for individuals transferring between waivers and for individuals transitioning from an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) or state nursing facility (SNF) to the community to ensure the health and safety of individuals in crisis.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek federal approval for necessary changes to the DD waiver to add the additional reserve slots."


(This amendment provides $3.1 million the first year and $3.1 million the second year from the general fund and a like amount of federal Medicaid matching funds to move up to 400 individuals on the Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver wait list, who are receiving services through the Elderly and Disabled with Consumer Direction waiver, to the newly configured Individual and Family Support (IFS) waiver on July 1, 2016. The Individual and Family Supports waiver replaces the Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Support (DD) waiver and will provide services and supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) living with their families, friends, or in their own homes, including those with some medical or behavioral needs. A number of I/DD individuals who are on the community waiting list are currently able to receive some limited services through the Elderly and Disabled with Consumer Direction waiver. )