2016 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Floor Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Develop Model Exit Questionnaire for Teachers (language only)

Item 136 #1s

Item 136 #1s

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Department of Education, Central Office Operations


Page 104, after line 44, insert:

"C. In furtherance of the General Assembly's interest in understanding trends in Virginia's teaching work force, teacher turnover rates, and the market for teachers, as evidenced by such metrics as the number of applicants per position, the Department shall develop a model exit questionnaire or survey that Virginia school divisions may administer to their exiting teachers.  Consideration should be given to best practices within the human resources field as well as stakeholder input from Virginia's school divisions.  The Department shall report to the Senate Finance Committee by November 1, 2016 (i) a model exit survey; (ii) the next steps that have been implemented towards improving existing teacher turnover data, including but not limited to the results of exploring whether other existing datasets, such as retirement system data, may help inform the analysis, as well as whether any additional data fields have been added or are planned to be added to current data collections; and (iii) preliminary analysis of available data on teacher turnover rates by region.".


(This amendment directs the Department of Education to develop a model exit questionnaire that school divisions may administer to exiting teachers, which was a recommendation of the January 2016 Feasibility Study on the Implementation of a Program to Track Teacher Turnover in the Commonwealth. The report found that although over half of Virginia school divisions indicate they already administer exit surveys or conduct exit interviews with departing employees, there is great variation in the survey/interview instruments.)