Central CO - Fund Stormwater Local Assistance Fund
Item C-47.5 #1s
Item C-47.5 #1s | First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | |
Central Appropriations |
Central Capital Outlay | FY2017 $20,000,000 | FY2018 $0 | NGF |
Page 438, after line 11, insert:
"C-47.5 Improvements: Capital Outlay Pool | $20,000,000 | $0 | |
Fund Sources:
Bond Proceeds
" | |
Page 438, after line 11, insert:
"A. 1. A total of $20,000,000 plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, and other financing expenses is hereby authorized for issuance in the first year by the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia for water quality projects as set out in this paragraph.
2. There is hereby appropriated $20,000,000 in the first year from such bond proceeds, for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund, established in Item 370 of this act and administered by the Department of Environmental Quality. In accordance with the purpose of the Fund, the bond proceeds shall be used to provide grants solely for capital projects, including: i) new stormwater best management practices; ii) stormwater best management practice retrofits; iii) stream restoration; iv) low impact development projects; v) buffer restoration; vi) pond retrofits; and vii) wetlands restoration. Such grants shall be in accordance with eligibility determinations made by the Department of Environmental Quality.
3. This appropriation is subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.
4. Except as provided for in paragraph A.3. of this item, the provisions of §§ 2.0 and 4-4.01 of this act and the provisions of § 2.2-1132, Code of Virginia, shall not apply to projects supported in the program.".
(This amendment provides $20.0 million in bond proceeds in the first year for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund, a program administered by the Department of Environmental Quality.)