Working Group to Review JLARC Findings
Item 466 #1h
Item 466 #1h | First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 | |
Veterans and Defense Affairs |
Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs | FY2017 $393,494 | FY2018 $0 | GF |
Page 393, line 3, strike "$1,083,052" and insert "$1,476,546".
Page 393, line 8, before "Included" insert "A. ".
Page 393, after line 10, insert:
"B.1. There is hereby established a working group comprised of the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and the Director, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, or their designees. The working group shall be chaired by the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs.
2. The working group shall conduct a review of mental health and rehabilitative services for veterans, and make recommendations for efficient and effective coordination and monitoring of services for veterans in Virginia, as set forth in § 2.2- 2001.1. This review fulfills the requirements of recommendations 13 and 14 of the 2015 JLARC report “Operation and Performance of the Department of Veterans Services.
3. The working group shall conduct a rigorous and objective review to (i) determine the nature of monitoring and coordination needed by veterans in order to receive adequate and timely mental health and rehabilitative services, (ii) measure the current and projected need for coordination and monitoring of mental health and rehabilitative services for veterans; (iii) measure the current and projected capacity of private, federal, state, regional, and local entities to provide monitoring and coordination of mental health and rehabilitative services to veterans, by geographic region of the state; (iv) assess the extent of any gap between need and capacity; and (v) review and report how other states coordinate and monitor mental health and rehabilitative services for veterans. The review of other states shall include an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of models used by other states.
4. After thoroughly considering alternatives approaches, the working group shall recommend how the state can best monitor and coordinate mental health and rehabilitative services to ensure that veterans receive adequate and timely mental health and rehabilitative services as required by statute. The recommendations should include (i) organizational structures, programs, partnerships, staff responsibilities, staff qualifications, and licensure; (ii) statutory or regulatory changes, as necessary; and (iii) estimates of the cost to the state and local governments of implementing these recommendations.
5. All agencies of the Commonwealth shall provide technical or other assistance to the working group, upon request.
6. The working group shall direct the appropriate agency staff to develop a detailed implementation plan for the Virginia Veteran and Families Support program, and present the plan to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission no later than November 15, 2016.
7. Upon unanimous request from the members of the working group, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall transfer $393,494 from the general fund amounts included within this item to the Department of Veterans Services for the purpose of implementing the recommendations of the working group for the Virginia Veteran and Families Support program."
(This amendment creates a working group within the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs to study JLARC findings related to the Virginia Veteran and Family Support program, to develop a detailed implementation plan based upon its work, and to present its plan to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission no later than November 15, 2016.)