2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Vogel
Regional Criminal Justice Academy (Middletown) (language only)

Item 398 #1s

Item 398 #1s

Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services


Page 337, after line 48, insert:

"c. Notwithstanding B.1.b. of this Item, the Board of Criminal Justice Services may approve a new criminal justice academy serving the Counties of Clarke, Frederick, and Warren; the City of Winchester; the Towns of Berryville, Front Royal, Middletown, Stephens City and Strasburg; the Northwestern Adult Detention Center; and, the Frederick County Emergency Communications Center, to be supported with local funds, consistent with a written agreement which shall be provided to the Board between the local governing bodies, chief executive officers, and chief law enforcement officers of the aforementioned localities, and the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy.  No additional state funds are provided from this Item for the new academy serving the aforementioned jurisdictions."


(This amendment authorizes the Board of Criminal Justice Services to approve a new criminal justice training academy, which will be supported with local funds, serving the Counties of Clarke, Frederick, and Warren; the City of Winchester; the Towns of Berryville, Front Royal, Middletown, Stephens City, and Strasburg; the Northwestern Adult Detention Center; and, the Frederick County Emergency Communications Center. The language conditions this approval on the receipt by the Board of Criminal Justice Services of a written agreement approving the creation of this new academy between the local governing bodies, chief executive officers, and chief law enforcement officers of the jurisdictions to be served by the new academy, and the Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy. These jurisdictions are currently served by a satellite campus of the Rappahannock regional academy in Middletown. No additional state funds are to be provided for the new academy.)