2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
UVA - Fund Undergraduate Enrollment Growth

Item 196 #1s

Item 196 #1s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
University of Virginia FY2017 $3,447,147 FY2018 $3,980,285 GF
FY2017 $5,292,300 FY2018 $7,188,200 NGF
FY2017 27.00 FY2018 33.00 FTE

Page 171, line 23, strike "$630,139,990" and insert "$638,879,437".
Page 171, line 23, strike "$630,167,012" and insert "$641,335,497".


(This amendment would provide almost $3.5 million, $5.3 million NGF, 15.0 GF FTEs, and 12.0 NGF FTEs the first year and almost $4.0 million GF, $7.2 million NGF, 16.0 GF FTEs, and 17.0 NGF FTEs the second year to fund new undergraduate enrollment growth at the University of Virginia.  This funding would support previous enrollment growth requested by the University that was not fully funded and projected enrollment growth during this biennium, a total of 1,673 students over fall 2010 base enrollment.)