2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sturtevant
4% pay increase for all public school teachers

Item 139 #2s

Item 139 #2s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2017 $166,967,593 FY2018 $174,921,197 GF


Page 143, after line 2, insert:

"a.1) The appropriation in this Item includes funding for the state share of a payment equivalent to a 4.0 percent salary incentive increase, effective July 1, 2016, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions. Funded SOQ instructional positions shall include the teacher, guidance counselor, librarian, instructional aide, principal, and assistant principal positions funded through the SOQ staffing standards for each school division in the biennium.

2) It is the intent that the instructional and support position salaries be improved in school divisions throughout the state by at least an average of 4.0 percent in the first year or to address salary scale compression issues. Sufficient funds are appropriated in this act to finance, on a statewide basis, the state share of a 4.0 percent salary increase for funded SOQ instructional and support positions, effective July 1, 2016.  

b. The state funds for which the division is eligible to receive shall be matched by the local government, based on the composite index of local ability-to-pay.

c. This funding is not intended as a mandate to increase salaries.".


(This amendment provides funding for a 4.0 percent teacher salary increase beginning in the first year.)