2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Vogel
Virginia Preschool Initiative - 2% Increase in PPA

Item 139 #28s

Item 139 #28s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2017 $1,400,000 FY2018 $2,800,000 GF

Page 111, line 12, strike "$6,513,609,587" and insert "$6,515,009,587".
Page 111, line 12, strike "$6,793,413,730" and insert "$6,796,213,730".

Page 132, line 50, strike "$69,240,317" and insert "$70,640,317".

Page 132, line 51, strike "$69,490,265" and insert "$72,290,265".

Page 133, line 20, strike "$6,000" and insert "$6,120".


(This amendment provides estimated funding to increase the current per pupil amount of $6,000 for the Virginia Preschool Initiative by 2 percent.)