2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Barker
Project Discovery

Item 138 #12s

Item 138 #12s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2017 $750,000 FY2018 $750,000 GF

Page 106, line 6, strike "$27,391,970" and insert "$28,141,970".
Page 106, line 6, strike "$28,091,970" and insert "$28,841,970".

Page 108, line 22, strike "$675,000" and insert "$1,425,000".

Page 108, line 22, strike "$675,000" and insert "$1,425,000".


(This amendment, combined with additional funding of $250,000 proposed in the introduced budget, adds $1.0 million annually to increase program participation by more than 2,000 students. An annual funding level of $1.4 million provides support to existing Partner Agencies, and assists long-planned but unfunded program expansions. Established in 1979, Project Discovery is a post-secondary college access program currently offered through 22 Virginia Partner Agencies in grades 4 to 12. The program successfully encourages students to stay in and graduate from high school and provides resources and tools for students and families to successfully make the transition to post-secondary education. Many participants are first-generation college students. Partner Agencies must match, dollar for dollar, program support.)