2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Stuart
Co-Patron(s): Barker, Black, McPike, Vogel
VA Student Training and Refurbishment (STAR) Computer Program

Item 135 #3s

Item 135 #3s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Department of Education, Central Office Operations FY2017 $50,000 FY2018 $50,000 GF

Page 104, line 5, strike "$1,592,931" and insert "$1,642,931".
Page 104, line 5, strike "$1,592,946" and insert "$1,642,946".

Page 108, line 35, strike "$250,000" and insert "$300,000".

Page 108, line 36, strike "$250,000" and insert "$300,000".


(This amendment provides additional support for the Virginia Student Training and Refurbishment (VA STAR) computer program, a collaborative effort of the Secretaries of Education and Technology and the Departments of Education and General Services to introduce students to the field of information technology.  The goal is to create a sustainable education program that takes surplus hardware from state agencies or private companies in order to offer students IT repair certification.  Once refurbished, the computers are available for use by schools or students families and community organizations needing them.  Currently, there are more than 63 schools in 38 school divisions participating.)