2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Restore Medicaid Reform Language (language only)

Item 306 #11h

Item 306 #11h

Health and Human Resources
Department of Medical Assistance Services


Page 266, strike lines 24 through 56.

Page 267, strike lines 1 through 9 and insert:

"JJJ.1. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek federal authority through any necessary waiver(s) and/or State Plan authorization under Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act to implement a comprehensive value-driven, market-based reform of the Virginia Medicaid/FAMIS programs. This reform shall be implemented in three phases as outlined in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. The department shall have authority to implement necessary changes when feasible after federal approval and prior to the completion of any regulatory process undertaken in order to effect such change.

2. In the first phase of reform, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall continue currently authorized reforms of the Virginia Medicaid/FAMIS service delivery model that shall, at a minimum, include (i) implementation of a Medicare-Medicaid Enrollee (dual  eligible) Financial Alignment demonstration as evidenced by a Memorandum of Understanding with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), signing of a three-way contract with CMS and participating plans, and approval of the necessary amendments to the State Plan for Medical Assistance and any waivers thereof; (ii) enhanced program integrity and fraud prevention efforts to include at a minimum: recovery audit contracting (RAC), data mining, service authorization, enhanced coordination with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU), and Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM); (iii) inclusion of children enrolled in foster care in managed care; (iv) implementation of a new eligibility and enrollment information system for Medicaid and other social services; (v) improved access to Veterans services through creation of the Veterans Benefit Enhancement Program; and (vi) expedite the tightening of standards, services limits, provider qualifications, and licensure requirements for community behavioral health services.

3. In the second phase of reform, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall implement value-based purchasing reforms for all recipients subject to a Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) methodology for program eligibility and any other recipient categories not excluded from the Medallion II managed care program. Such reforms shall, at a minimum, include the following: (i) the services and benefits provided are the types of services and benefits provided by commercial insurers and may include appropriate and reasonable limits on services such as occupational, physical, and speech therapy, and home care with the exception of non-traditional behavioral health and substance use disorder services; (ii) reasonable limitations on non-essential benefits such as non-emergency transportation are implemented; and (iii) patient responsibility is required including reasonable cost-sharing and active patient participation in health and wellness activities to improve health and control costs.

To administer this reformed delivery model, the department is authorized to contract with qualified health plans to offer recipients a Medicaid benefit package adhering to these principles. Any coordination of non-traditional behavioral health services covered under contract with qualified health plans or through other means shall adhere to the principles outlined in paragraph OO. c. This reformed service delivery model shall be mandatory, to the extent allowed under the relevant authority granted by the federal government and shall, at a minimum, include (i) limited high-performing provider networks and medical/health homes; (ii) financial incentives for high quality outcomes and alternative payment methods; (iii) improvements to encounter data submission, reporting, and oversight; (iv) standardization of administrative and other processes for providers; and (v) support of the health information exchange.

The second phase of reform shall also include administrative simplification of the Medicaid program through any necessary waiver(s) and/or State Plan authorization under Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act and outline agreed upon parameters and metrics to provide maximum flexibility and expedited ability to develop and implement pilot programs to test innovative models that (i) leverage innovations and variations in regional delivery systems; (ii) link payment and reimbursement to quality and cost containment outcomes; or (iii) encourage innovations that improve service quality and yield cost savings to the Commonwealth.  Upon federal approval, the department shall have authority to implement such pilot programs prior to the completion of the regulatory process.

4. In the third phase of reform, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall seek reforms to include all remaining Medicaid populations and services, including long-term care and home- and community-based waiver services into cost-effective, managed and coordinated delivery systems.  The department shall begin designing the process and obtaining federal authority to transition all remaining Medicaid beneficiaries into a coordinated delivery system.

5. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall provide a report to the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission on the specific waiver and/or State Plan changes that have been approved and status of implementing such changes, and associated cost savings or cost avoidance to Medicaid/FAMIS expenditures.

6.a. The Department shall seek the approval of the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission to amend the State Plan for Medicaid Assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, and any waivers thereof, to implement coverage for newly eligible individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. If the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission determines that the conditions in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been met, then the Commission shall approve implementation of coverage for newly eligible individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

b. Upon approval by the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission, the department shall implement the provisions in paragraph 6.a. of this item by July 1, 2014, or as soon as feasible thereafter.

7.a. Contingent upon the expansion of eligibility in paragraph 6.a.,there is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Virginia Health Reform and Innovation Fund, hereafter referred to as the "Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller and any moneys remaining in the Fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. For purposes of the Comptroller's preliminary and final annual reports required by § 2.2-813, however, all deposits to and disbursements from the Fund shall be accounted for as part of the general fund of the state treasury.

b. The Director of the Department of Medical Assistance Services, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, shall annually identify projected general fund savings attributable to enrollment of newly eligible individuals included in 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the PPACA, including behavioral health services, inmate health care, and indigent care. Beginning with development of the fiscal year 2015 budget, these projected savings shall be reflected in reduced appropriations to the affected agencies and the amounts deposited into the Fund net of any appropriation increases necessary to meet resulting programmatic requirements of the Department of Medical Assistance Services. Beginning in fiscal year 2015, funding to support health innovations described in Paragraph 3 shall be appropriated from the Fund not to exceed $3.5 million annually. Funding shall be distributed through health innovation grants to private and public entities in order to reduce the annual rate of growth in health care spending or improve the delivery of health care in the Commonwealth. When the department, in consultation with the Department of Planning and Budget, determines that the general fund expenses incurred from coverage of newly eligible individuals included in 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the PPACA exceed any associated savings, a percentage of the principle of the Fund as determined necessary by the department and the Department of Planning and Budget to cover the cost of the newly eligible population shall be reallocated to the general fund and appropriated to the department to offset the cost of this population. Principle shall be allocated on an annual basis for as long as funding is available.

8. In the event that the increased federal medical assistance percentages for newly eligible individuals included in 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the PPACA is modified through federal law or regulation from the methodology in effect on January 1, 2014, resulting in a reduction in federal medical assistance as determined by the department in consultation with the Department of Planning and Budget, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall disenroll and eliminate coverage for individuals who obtained coverage through 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1) [2010] of the PPACA. The disenrollment process shall include written notification to affected Medicaid beneficiaries, Medicaid managed care plans, and other providers that coverage will cease as soon as allowable under federal law from the date the department is notified of a reduction in Federal Medical Assistance Percentage.

9. That notwithstanding any other provision of this act, or any other law, no general or nongeneral funds shall be appropriated or expended for such costs as may be incurred to implement coverage for newly eligible individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, unless included in an appropriation bill adopted by the General Assembly on or after July 1, 2014."


(This amendment eliminates language in the introduced budget which would have allowed for the expansion of the Medicaid program pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and restores language that was contained in Chapter 665, 2015 Virginia Acts of Assembly prohibiting Medicaid expansion unless funding is included in an appropriation bill adopted by the General Assembly. It also restores language guiding efforts to reform the Medicaid program.)