2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

At-Risk Add-On Range

Item 139 #6s

Item 139 #6s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2017 ($10,705,050) FY2018 ($10,756,556) GF

Page 111, line 12, strike "$6,513,609,587" and insert "$6,502,904,537".
Page 111, line 12, strike "$6,793,413,730" and insert "$6,782,657,174".

Page 125, line 15, strike "2.5 percent" and insert "1.0 percent".

Page 125, line 19, strike "2.5" and insert "1.0".

Page 125, strike lines 32 through 41, and insert:

"Each school division shall report to the Department, in the manner prescibed and date set by the Department, the uses of (i) increased funds in FY 2017 above the levels in FY 2016, as well as (ii) the uses of the base level of these funds.  The Department shall compile the responses and provide them to the Chairmen of Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees no later than the first day of the 2017 Session.".


(This amendment reflects savings of $21.5 million from the budget as introduced, by adjusting funding based on changing the percentage At-Risk Add-On range from 2.5-14 percent of Basic Aid in the budget as introduced to 1-14 percent. This represents an increase from the current range in fiscal year 2016 of 1-12 percent based on each school division's percentage of students eligible for free lunch, based on family income levels. A companion amendment also captures savings of $15.3 million in this program.)