2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Consideration of Fort Eustis Funding (language only)

Item 453 #1c

Item 453 #1c

Department of Transportation


Page 381, line 26, after "Commonwealth.", insert:

"As part of the ongoing negotiations of a memorandum of agreement between the Department of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Virginia Department of Transportation for the delivery of transportation projects as in-kind payments for parcel A-2 and A-3 at the former Ft. Monroe under the economic development conveyance in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Transportation shall request that the Department of the U.S. Army consider the reservation of funding included in this paragraph for improvements to the Ft. Eustis Boulevard interchange with I-64 at mile marker 250 which directly benefits Joint Base Langley-Eustis and the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command."


(This amendment directs that VDOT request the US Army to consider dedication of funding to the Ft. Eustis Boulevard road improvement project that provides direct benefit to a military installation in the Commonwealth.)