2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Conference Report)

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Review of Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credits (language only)

Item 1 #1c

Item 1 #1c

Legislative Department
General Assembly of Virginia


Page 10,  after line 23, insert:

"S.  The Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate Tax Preferences established pursuant to Chapter 777, 2012 Session of the General Assembly, is hereby directed, as part of its work during calendar year 2016, to undertake a review of the Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credit program and to report to the General Assembly on any proposed changes to the program structure, eligibility requirements, distribution of funding or overall funding amounts made available for the credit by November 15, 2016."


(This amendment directs the Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate Tax Preferences to review the Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credits as part of its work in 2016.)