2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Revise Sales Tax Transfer for Education - SB 444 (language only)

Item 3-5.03 #2s

Item 3-5.03 #2s

Adjustments and Modifications to Tax Collections
Implementation of Chapter 3, Acts of Assembly of 2004, Special Session I


Page 449, line 15, strike "$388,200,000" and "$401,700,000" and insert "$388,409,559" and "$401,909,559", respectively.


(This amendment updates the estimated amount to be transferred to the general fund from the Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief Fund by $209,559 each year, due to the impact of Senate Bill 444. Companion amendments reflect the additional resources and the net additional amount of Direct Aid funding.)