2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Technology Assistance Services - eMediaVA

Item 135 #1s

Item 135 #1s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Department of Education, Central Office Operations FY2017 $200,000 FY2018 $200,000 GF

Page 104, line 5, strike "$1,592,931" and insert "$1,792,931".
Page 104, line 5, strike "$1,592,946" and insert "$1,792,946".

Page 104, line 16, strike both instances of "$400,000" and insert "$600,000".


(This amendment provides additional funding for eMediaVA to help provide competency-based, personalized learning opportunuties. With over 150,000 users, eMediaVA, a repository of audio, video, and interactive multimedia learning resources, is free to all public, private, and homeschool educators and their students statewide. The additional funds will be used to increase teacher training and awareness statewide, including implementation of a single log-on, development of customizable curriculum resources and additional infrastructure to distribute materials.)