2014 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5003 (Floor Approved)

Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council

Item 25.1 #1s

Item 25.1 #1s

First Year - FY2015 Second Year - FY2016
Legislative Department
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council FY2015 $150,000 FY2016 $300,000 GF
FY2015 1.00 FY2016 3.00 FTE

Page 15, following line 26, insert:
Authority: Senate Bill 649 and House Bill 1211 of the 2014 General Assembly."

(This amendment provides $140,000 and one position the first year and $300,000 and three positions the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council, pursuant to Senate Bill 649 and House Bill 1211, as adopted by the 2014 General Assembly. A companion amendment to Item 62 of this act eliminates two positions and $70,000 the second year from the general fund from the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Senate Bill 649 and House Bill 1211 transfer the responsibilities of these two positions from the Secretary of the Commonwealth to the new advisory council, effective July 1, 2015.)