2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

CWM Plan Integrated Science Phase III

Item C-19.15 #1c

Item C-19.15 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Education: Higher Education
The College of William and Mary in Virginia FY2009 $0 FY2010 $0 GF
FY2009 $0 FY2010 $2,050,000 NGF

Page 550, after line 46, insert:
This appropriation provides funding to complete detailed planning for the Integrated Science Center, Phase 3 project.  The College of William and Mary is authorized to use up to $2,050,000 of nongeneral funds for which it shall be reimbursed when the project is funded to move into the construction phase.  In addition, $2,200,230 of federal funds from Item 467 B.5. shall be transferred to this project to complete detailed planning."

"C-19.15 Integrated Science Center, Phase 3
Fund Sources: Higher Education Operating

(This amendment provides funding to complete planning for the Integrated Science Center, Phase 3.)