2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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Jail Reimbursement Language (language only)

Item 388 #1c

Item 388 #1c

Public Safety
Corrections, Department of

Page 426, strike lines 36 through 38 and insert:
"a. Meherrin River Regional Jail Authority, for a regional jail facility of not more than 400 beds, with new construction on not more than one site, and for which the Commonwealth's share of the total capital cost of the project shall not exceed $50 million, and for which the revised plans and cost estimates pursuant to this paragraph shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Corrections.  The authority shall consider the costs and benefits of acquiring this facility using the process established under the Public Private Education and Infrastructure Act (PPEA), and shall submit a report on its analysis of this approach, along with its planning submissions, to the Board of Corrections. It is anticipated that the reimbursement of the Commonwealth's portion will not occur before July 1, 2012."
Page 426, strike lines 43-45.
Page 426, line 46, strike "d." and insert "c."
Page 426, line 49, strike "e." and insert "d."
Page 427, strike lines 1-4 and insert:
"e. Patrick County, in order to proceed to planning for a replacement jail pursuant to Item 280 of this act."
Page 427, line 5, strike "g." and insert "f."
Page 427, line 8, strike "h." and insert "g."
Page 427, line 20, strike "i." and insert "h."
Page 427, line 27, strike "j." and insert "i."
Page 427, strike lines 29 through 31.
Page 427, line 32, strike "l." and insert "j."
Page 427, strike lines 35 through 44, and insert:
"5. The projects set forth in this item shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 53.1-80 through 53.1-82.3 of the Code of Virginia."
Page 427, line 45, strike "C." and insert "B."
Page 428, strike lines 11 through 20, and insert:
"C. The Chairmen of House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees shall appoint a joint subcommittee to review the Commonwealth's policies with respect to the oversight, approval and financing of local and regional jail capital projects and  operational expenses, with a view towards developing appropriate and fiscally sound recommendations for defining and meeting the Commonwealth's long-term obligations for local and regional jails and related programs.  The Departments of Corrections, Criminal Justice Services, General Services, Planning and Budget, the Treasury, and the Compensation Board, shall provide such assistance as may be requested by the joint subcommittee for this review."
Page 428, line 21, strike "E." and insert "D."
Page 428, line 43, strike "F." and insert "E."
Page 428, line 54, strike "G." and insert "F."

(This amendment provides continuing legislative authority for certain specified jail projects to proceed under the established processes for review and approval by the Board of Corrections, pending review by a legislative joint subcommittee of the Commonwealth's long-term obligations with respect to the financing of local and regional jail capital and operating costs.)