2009 Session

Budget Amendments - SB850 (Conference Report)

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CSA Training and Technical Assistance (language only)

Item 283 #3c

Item 283 #3c

Health And Human Resources
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families

Page 295, line 26, after "measures," insert:
"building community-based services, including creation of partnerships with private providers and non-profit groups,".
Page 295, line 31, after "paragraph.", insert:
"A training plan shall be presented to, and approved by, the State Executive Council before the beginning of each fiscal year.  A training calendar and timely notice of programs shall be provided to Community Policy and Management Teams and family assessment and planning team members statewide as well as to local fiscal agents and chief administrative officers of cities and counties.  A report on all regional and statewide training sessions conducted during the fiscal year, including (i) a description of each program and trainers, (ii) the dates of the training and the number of attendees for each program, (iii) a summary of evaluations of these programs by attendees, and (iv) the funds expended, shall be made to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees and to the members of the State Executive Council by December 1 of each year."

(This amendment requires the Office of Comprehensive Services to develop a plan for conducting training sessions during the fiscal year. In addition, language is added requiring reporting on training session dates, programs, trainers, evaluations and funds expended beginning December 1 of each year.)