2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

Craigsville Wastewater Treatment Plant

Item C-134.1 #1c

Item C-134.1 #1c

First Year - FY2009 Second Year - FY2010
Public Safety
Corrections, Department of FY2009 $1,000,000 FY2010 $0 NGF

Page 471, after line 3, insert:
"A.  The Commonwealth shall provide for its estimated 56 percent share of the capital cost of constructing a wastewater treatment plant to be operated by the Town of Craigsville.  The state share of the construction cost for this project shall consist of three parts:  (i) a grant of up to $2,700,000 from the Water Quality Improvement Fund by the Department of Environmental Quality, in furtherance of improving the health of the Chesapeake Bay; (ii) a 20-year loan with a principal amount of $2,384,191, more or less, from the Department of Environmental Quality, to be repaid by the Department of Corrections as specified in paragraph B. of this item, and (iii) Virginia Public Building Authority (VPBA) bonds in an amount of up to $1,000,000, as specified in this item.
B.  No payment shall be made to the Town of Craigsville until the Department of Corrections has entered into a new contract with the Town of Craigsville, which, along with other appropriate terms, shall provide that all charges to be paid for all future wastewater treatment for the Augusta Correctional Center shall be based solely upon the Augusta Correctional Center's actual metered usage and that the Augusta Correctional Center shall be charged at a rate no higher than the lowest rate charged to any other customer of the wastewater treatment plant.  The contract shall also provide for an annual payment of $120,000 from the Department of Corrections to the Town of Craigsville for 20 years, representing the reimbursement of debt service on the loan provided to the Town of Craigsville by the Department of Environmental Quality."

"C-134.1 Craigsville Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fund Sources: Bond Proceeds

(This amendment provides authority for the issuance of up to $1,000,000 in Virginia Public Building Authority bonds for the remaining portion of the Commonwealth's share of the capital cost of a wastewater treatment plant for the Town of Craigsville, after the final amounts of state grants and loans from the Department of Environmental Quality have been determined. The estimated total capital cost of this project is $10.6 million. The Augusta Correctional Center will be the largest customer of the plant, accounting for an estimated 56 percent share of the plant's capacity. Two companion amendments capture general funds previously available to support this project. The first captures a fiscal year 2008 balance. The second captures funds included in the budget as introduced for fiscal year 2010, in Item 391. These actions were recommended by the Governor in his budget reduction plan on February 12, 2008.)