2008 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

DOC: Water Treatment Plant, Coffeewood Correctional Center (language only)

Item C-134.10 #1c

Item C-134.10 #1c

Public Safety
Corrections, Department of

Page 471 after line 1, insert:
The authorized purpose of capital project number 799-1611 is
hereby modified to include the costs of water improvements necessary to
serve the state correctional facilities located in Culpeper County,
including an 8-inch water service line, engineering, and land and
easement acquisition costs, as set out in Item 390, paragraph J., of this act.    This change in scope will still meet the original intent of project number 799-16111 of
addressing VPDES permit discharge issues at the Coffeewood Correctional Center water treatment plant."

(This amendment provides authority for the Department of Corrections to include the costs of water improvements necessary to serve Coffeewood Correctional Center in Culpeper County.)