2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Reduce Division of Legislative Services NGF Revenue

Item 7 #3c

Item 7 #3c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Legislative Department
Legislative Services, Division of FY2005 ($62,500) FY2006 ($62,500) NGF

Page 9, line 34, strike "$4,577,254" and insert "$4,514,754".
Page 9, line 34, strike "$4,577,254" and insert "$4,514,754".

(This amendment reduces the nongeneral fund appropriation for the Division of Legislative Services to account for the privatization of the printing, distribution, and subscription services related to the Register of Regulations, which had previously been handled in-house. This publication has been privatized, so the agency will no longer collect the subscription revenue associated with it. The agency's remaining nongeneral fund appropriation includes the revenues collected from printing the Legislative Record, Session Summary, and Issue Briefs. The agency will continue to produce these publications in-house.)